Please no boxes, only unpacked equipment. New Additions to Your Gym: Craigslist scores, new deliveries, etc. Product Reviews: Home gym related productsĭIY Builds and Solutions: Please include details on the build This is not a hard and fast rule, posts are subject to removal or approval based on the quality of the content. items go to the Weekly Free Talk Thread, 'Content' such as below receive a dedicated post. What qualifies as a dedicated post in r/HomeGym? Being an asshole is an easy way to be permanently banned.Ģ. If you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. Prohibited behavior includes (but is not limited to) racist, misogynistic, misandric, sexist, political and overtly offensive comments that have nothing to do with homegyms. Personal attacks and unwanted sexual comments will not be tolerated. r/homegym is a place to discuss homegyms in a civil manner.
A subreddit devoted to working out at home.